
People travel to the beautiful island of Victoria, British Columbia every year. For those of us who live here year round, this is no surprise as it is a beautiful city with a lot to offer. Not surprisingly, there is more and more development happening. Almost 1000 new apartments are either nearly done or done with construction, with a couple thousand more in the works. Canadians know we have to conserve our environment and small islands are not the place for southern plantations but rather for trendy, space efficient apartments that are environmentally friendly with no sacrifice to style.
MurphySofa is committed to helping the residents of Victoria furnish these adorable new abodes with well designed, tasteful and space efficient designs. From our traditional Victoria wall beds with sofas, to the wall beds with desks and our space saving tables, we can furnish your apartment so you have the most bang for your buck.
Want to live in the city with 2 kids and a dog and not pay killer rates? Why not let us help you furnish your Victoria apartment. You could put in a wall bed with a sofa and double the living room as a bedroom. Or you may just want to do this to have quarters for friends and family to stay. What about if you’re hosting a cocktail party and don’t want people traveling home intoxicated? Worry no more – Wall beds are here! Tell your guests to simply lay down on one of these and never worry about your friends’ safety again!
The idea for space saving coffee tables was born out of frustration with being a single person that loved to entertain. When you have a small condo or apartment and it is usually just you, it does not make sense to buy a large dining table for the few occasions a year when you may want it. However, not having one means you can never have a large group over for dinner (or you can in an uncomfortable situation). With these amazing tables, that problem is SOLVED. Turn your chic coffee table into a full blown dinner table INSTANTLY!